

  • Datum

    MAR 4, 2025

Gregor's Day, which is celebrated on March 12, is a holiday that is part of Slovenian folk tradition. It is a celebration of Gregory's Day, which is traditionally associated with early spring and the awakening of nature. This is the time when, according to popular belief, birds return from their winter travels and mate, symbolizing the beginning of new life and fertility.

Here are some of the traditional customs and activities associated with Gregory:

  1. Gregorčki : Children make gregorčki, which are wooden birds in the shape of a bird, which they decorate with colorful ribbons, feathers and other decorations. They are then hung from twigs or sticks and moved to simulate birds.

  2. Gregorjevo painting : In some regions of Slovenia, it is customary to paint water wells and springs on Gregorjevo. Children arm themselves with colorful paints and paint symbols such as fish, birds and the sun on the walls of the wells.

  3. Bird Baptism : This is a fun custom where children perform the "baptism" of birds. This symbolically encourages children to care for nature and animals.

  4. Dance and music : In some places, public dances and musical events are organized where people celebrate Gregorio with music, singing and dancing.

  5. Treasure hunts : In some places it is customary to organize treasure hunts for children where they can look for hidden objects.

  6. Culinary specialities : Gregorjevo is usually served with gregorjevka, i.e. traditional dishes such as sausages, sauerkraut, bread and other dishes.

  7. Different local traditions : Customs may vary depending on the region and local traditions. Sometimes the celebration can vary from place to place.

Gregorio is a holiday that emphasizes the connection of people with nature and brings joy at the arrival of spring. This is an opportunity for families and communities to gather and celebrate this traditional Slovenian holiday together.