
The flowers of the future are hidden in the seeds of the present!

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    MAY 24, 2021

Everything starts somewhere at the beginning. Just as a plant is a seed at first, my writing has just sprouted. I am aware that it will take a lot of effort, love and "watering" for the seed to grow and blossom.

As the title says, all the flowers of the future are in the seeds of the present and I will do my best to make it so with my little secrets that I will share with you.

On the blog of our flower shop you will be able to find everything related to weddings, wedding trends, flowers, events, products in our online shop and creation in general.

Together we will go along the well-trodden, and also a little less well-trodden, paths. We will come across wonderful topics that will help us to write more wonderful stories together. I am glad that you have started your journey with me and I hope to help you on your way to blossom into the flowers of the future.